The Sound Of Silence ( Disturbed ) Guitar Chords and Strumming Pattern

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Song : The Sound Of Silence
Artist : Disturbed
Album : Immortalized
Chords Used : F sharp minor , E Major , D Major , A Major

Strumming Pattern : D DU DUD

Chords Progression :

(Verse 1)

(F#m) Hello darkness, my ol(E)d friend
I’ve come to talk with yo(F#m)u again
Because a vision s(D)oftly c(A)reeping
Left its see(F#m)ds while I (D) was sle(A)eping
(F#m) And the (D) vision that was planted (D) in my (A) brain
Still re(F#m)mains within the (E) sound of (F#m) silence

(Verse 2)

(F#m) In restless dreams I walked (E) alone
Narrow streets of (F#m) cobblestone
‘Neath the halo of (D) a street (A) lamp
I turned my coll(F#m)ar to the (D) cold and (A) damp
When my (D) eyes were stabbed by the flash of a (D) neon (A) light
That (F#m) split the ni(A)ght
(F#m) And touched the (E) sound of (F#m) silence

(Verse 3)

(F#m) And in the naked li(E)ght I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe (F#m) more
People talking wit(D)hout spe(A)aking
People hearing wit(D)hout lis(A)tening
People writing (D) songs that voices (D) never (A) share
And no one (F#m) dare (A) (F#m)
Disturb the (E) sound of (F#m) silence

(Verse 4)

(F#m) Fools said I, you do not (E) know
Silence like a cancer (F#m) grows
Hear my words that I m(D)ight teach (A) you
Take my arms that I m(D)ight reach to (A) you
But my (D) words like silent (D) raindrops (A) fell
A(F#m)nd ech(A)oed in the we(E)lls of (F#m) silence

(Verse 5)

(F#m) And the people bowed and (E) prayed
To the neon God the(F#m)y made
And the sign flashed (D) out it’s (A) warning
And the words that it (D) was for(A)ming

And the sign said

The wo(D)rds of the prophets are written on the (D) subway w(A)alls
And tenement hal(F#m)ls
And whispered in the (E) sound of si(F#m)lence

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